Reference library

Article number: 301134

User Preferences

In the Admin interface you'll see an drop down on the far right with an option called Change my Preferences. Click this and you'll be offered preferences which can be optimised for your style of editing.

 Page Editing

  • Render Variables and Variable Blocks: Check this box and you get a more accurate WYSIWYG display in the page editor. But it may cause admin rendering problems on pages which have extremely complex variable/JavaScript interactions.
  • Allow Variable/variable Block Editing: Allows variable and variable blocks to be directly edited, by clicking on them in the page editor.
  • Full save from Editor Pop-up. If you check this box, then whenever you press Save inside the pop-up editor, you will save not only the contents of the current pop-up editor, but the entire page as well. On the plus side, this means you don't have to save your changes in two places. On the minus side, it means you can't preview the page before saving it. (Although the page isn't published, of course, so you can still correct any errors before your hideous mistake is revealed to the world).
  • Auto save period in minutes - Specifies how often editor changes will be auto-saved. Use 0 to disable auto-saving. (added in 10.5)
  • Enable spell checker - Switch on the spell-checker in the page editor. This can cause erratic cursor positioning in the rich text editor in some older browsers.


  • Enable GZIP Compression. Checking this option switches on the editor's Gzip compression, which will improve performance for Admin editing. However, some older browsers, operating behind proxy servers, may have problems with Gzip'd files. Hence it's configurable for each Admin user. In the vast majority of cases this option should be left on. (This option applies purely to the use of Sitekit Admin. It does not affect gzip'd content served to ordinary site visitors). 
  • Line-Numbering & Syntax Highlighting.  Ticking this option marks up ant of the text editor with line numbers nad applies syntax markup to xml, html, js and css files. On by default, added in 11.0

  Navigation Tree

  • Include/Exclude Toggles all Page Visibility: If you check this box then when you  Include/Exclude a page from navigation, it will automatically include/exclude the page from Site Maps, List By Pages, Search Results and Search Engines. Since these options normally go together, this is generally a time saver.

  Pop-Up Windows

  • Default Windows Size (percent): Enter a percentage here that suits your screen resolution. You may have to experiment a little to find the best size. Note that the resize will only take effect after you have refreshed the screen. (Ctrl-F5).When you have made all six selections, click the Save button to store your choices.

Ribbon Menu

  • Auto-Hide Ribbon When checked the ribbon menu will slide up when not in use to increase the screen space available to editors. On by default, added in 11.0


  • Enable Login Security Emails - Security addition. when ticked receive emails warning about unusual attempts to login to your account . When unticked no emails from the V2 login module will be sent, except the password reset ones. These are the emails warning about unusual login attempts on the user's account. On by default, added in 11.0



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