Reference library

Asset Classes table

Sitekit CMS users can have varying degrees of access to your website's assets. For example, a junior editor may only be allowed to read and edit a page, while a senior editor may be allowed to read, edit, delete, and publish the same page. Similarly you can control different extranet users' access to branches within the extranet . This differential access is provided in Sitekit via asset classes. The Asset Classes table provides a quick overview of these and provides access to the applied permissions, the workflow they're assocated with and also the assets they're applied to.


The asset class table has the following columns:

  • Class name - the name you assign to the asset class
  • Description/notes - a description to act as a reminder for the class' application. Description text pops up for guidance whenever an admin user tries to change to a different asset class. Added in 10.3
  • Workflow scheme - Different workflows can be applied to different asset classes. This allows you to perhaps have direct publishing on some branches of the site but an edit,approve, publish sequence on others. Workflows are created and configured in the build menu
  • Variable scheme - Different variable schemes can be applied to different asset classes. This allows you to alter the appearance of page content based on its asset class. Variable schemes are created and configured in the build menu. Added in 10.4
  • SSL - each asset can be served using 'https'  when the relevant domain has an SSL certificate. In the event that a certificate has been purchased and associated with the domain (see Editing a domain page). Clicking on the SSL checkbox means that all requests to those pages in that class will be served via the HTTPS protocol.
  • Caching - These settings allow you to set caching for specific assets, such as images, Javascript, .pdfs, flash files, and so on. Assets which use this feature will be cached in each visitor's browser cache - so it is important that you only apply a Header cache to Assets which rarely change. You should NOT alter the Cache settings unless you fully understand the implications! If you accidentally set a long cache period on the wrong Asset Class, then visitors may inadvertently view outdated content until the period expires. When used on, for example, an image Asset Class, the client browser caches the image once and doesn't go back for it again unless the user performs a hard refresh or browser cache dump. This can result in impressive speed benefits.
    • Expires - causes an expires header to be included with the expiry period of fetch time plus the specified time in minutes. You tick this option to activate the Header Cache.
    • Expiry period - is the cache time, measured in minutes. It defaults to 525,600 minutes (one year).
    • Last Mod - adds the last modification time of the asset to the header. If the asset was modified since the browser had cached it, but before the expiry time, the browser will take a fresh copy of the asset.

    It is important to note that if a browser has cached an automatically expiring asset belonging to an asset class before Last Mod was ticked, it will not detect the change until the existing expiry period has passed and the visitor's device takes a fresh copy of the asset. From that point on it will detect the Last Mod setting.

  • Secure (extranet) - This indicates that the "All other users" row of the permissions table does not have the Read permission. Because visitors to the site who are not logged in fall under this row, they will need to log in as a member of a user group which has Read permission in order to view pages or retrieve assets.

In addition to these there are also the following actions allowed:

  • Edit - this opens a line editor to allow you to change the fields above
  • Add - (at bottom of table) this allows you to add a new asset class
  • Rights - this opens up a popup with the access control list for the chosen asset class
  • Usage - this opens a popup listing all the assets in that class, it may take some time to load for a large site or for the 'default' class
  • Delete - this deletes the asset class. You can only delete an asset class if it is not applied to any assets

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