Reference library

Article number: 305012

Asset Folder Properties

Control of folder properties for assets is normally restricted to senior site managers. If you are unable to access the folder properties window please contact your administrator.

  1. Click on Asset View to display the asset tree.
  2. Right click the asset folder whose permissions you want to edit and select Properties. The Asset Folder Properties window opens. The folder properties are set out under 4 main sections
    1. Folder properties - This gives the outline details of the folder and importantly its asset class. If you want to apply a different asset class to the folder, select from the Asset class drop-down list the asset class that you want to apply. The page reloads. Click Change. If you want to apply the same class as the folder to all of the individual assets in the folder (including sub-folders), click Apply recursively to change the folder class and all child assets (and its child assets).
      Beware! This will place all of the individual assets in this folder into the current class, overwriting all other class allocations. Clicking on permissions allows you to see the Asset Permissions window and edit permissions
    2. Folder content statistics - This is a table providing outline information on the number of files and version pages image etc including their storage volume
    3. Folder domain association - This section is used to attach any domains associated with the site and attach them to the specific folder. This is used to create sub-sites. The folder in question requires to have a index.htm page as its local root. It's possible to create a custom error (404) page for each sub-site via this section (added in 10.5).
    4. Folder sharing - If a site is configured to support it specific folder can be shared between Sitekit sites and will appear in the shared assets section of the receiving site. The relevant recipient site is selected from the drop down and 'share with this site' is selected.

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