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Vertical navigation

If your website uses a vertical navigation layout you must configure its characteristics using the Expanded/collapsed options.

  1. Click Site Settings on the Configure tab.
  2. Click the '+' next to Vertical Navigation.
  3. Expanded/collapsed 1:

    If you want all the branches of the menu tree to be open at all times, choose List all branches. This option is recommended only for simple sites with few pages. Choosing this option means that the options in boxes 2 and 3 are redundant.

    If you want only branches below the selected page to be open, choose List selected thread only. This is the most commonly used option for all but the most simple of sites. You must refine the behaviour of the menu tree using the options below.
  4. Expanded/collapsed 2:

    If you want to show all of the pages on the same level as the selected page, choose List peers of selected page. This is the most commonly used option.

    If you want to hide all the other pages on the same level as the selected page, choose Don't list peers. If you choose this option it is recommended that you also choose Don't hold branches open below.
  5. Expanded/collapsed 3:

    If you want the children of a selected page to continue to be shown when the user clicks on a peer of the selected page, choose Hold branches open. On a large site, if the user is moving from branch to branch, this can result in a large menu tree being displayed.

    If you want only the children of the selected page to be shown, choose Don't hold branches open. This is the most commonly used option for larger sites.
  6. Click Publish at the top left corner of the desktop to save your changes.

Be aware that if your site uses navigation blocks these can override some or all of the settings described above. Contact your administrator for more information.

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