Reference library

Article number: 301148

Asset folder permissions

Control of permissions for assets is normally restricted to senior site managers. If you are unable to access the Asset Rights Editor window please contact your administrator.

To edit permissions for an asset folder:

  1. Click on Asset View to display the asset tree.
  2. Right click the asset folder whose permissions you want to edit and select Permissions. The Asset Rights Editor window opens.
  3. If you want to apply the same class as the folder to all of the individual assets in the folder (including sub-folders), click Apply class to all child assets.
    Beware! This will place all of the individual assets in this folder into the current class, overwriting all other class allocations.

    You can apply one class to this folder and retain different classes applied to the individual assets in the folder. Permissions to the folder's asset class will apply only the folder itself and not the assets within it.
  4. If you want to apply a different asset class to the folder, select from the Asset class to configure drop-down list the asset class that you want to apply. The page reloads. Click Apply class to this asset. The new asset class is displayed in Asset Properties at the top of the screen.
  5. If you want to create a new asset class to apply to the folder click New. Type the name of the new class in the New Asset Class Name box and click Create. The permissions table for the new asset class is displayed.

    An alternative way to create a new asset class is to copy an existing asset class by selecting the existing asset class in the drop-down and clicking the Copy button. The permissions for the new asset class are identical to that of the copied asset class and can be edited as required.
  6. If you want to change the permissions to assets in this class for a user group that is already associated with the class, find the user group on the table and click Edit.
    The tickboxes for the selected user group become 'live'. Tick or untick the boxes to set the permissions for this user group for this asset class and click Save.
  7. If you want to create permissions to assets in this class for a user group that is not in the table, scroll to the bottom of the table and select the user group from the drop-down list.
    Tick or untick the boxes to set the permissions for this user group for this asset class and click Add.

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