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Article number: 301101

Change visibilty status in navigation menu

If you are working on a page and you do not want to include it in the Navigation of your website you can hide it by right clicking on the page in the Navigation Tree and selecting ‘Exclude From Navigation’.

Any page hidden from the Navigation in the live website will be shown in the Administration Navigation Tree with a red line through them.

In addition to navigation visibility you can control if the page is visible to:

  • Sitemaps and List by pages
  • Your website search results and search engines (such as Google)

You can set this to be a manual function where you go into each page or an automatic function that is set when you change a pages Navigation visibility.

Manually Set Page Visibility

  1. Right click on the page you want to change in the Navigation Tree
  2. Select ‘Edit’, ‘Page properties’.
  3. Go to the ‘Standard’ tab and scroll down to the section ‘Page Visibility’
  4. To hide the page from sitemaps and list by pages click the tick box ‘Hide from site maps and ‘List By’ pages
  5. To hide the page from website search and search engines click the tick box ‘Hide from search results and search engines’
  6. To save the changes click ‘Save’ then ‘Publish’

Automatically Set Page Visibility

  1. Go to ‘Preferences’ which can be found by clicking on the user silhouette in the far right hand corner of the Administration system.
  2. Click the tick box ‘Include/Exclude Toggles All Page Visibility’ this will automatically change page visibility when the included or excluded in site navigation.

Other Page Visibility Settings

You can control if a page is available to be shown as an internal link and if the children of that page can be shown as internal links on that page.

  1. Right click on the page you want to change in the Navigation Tree
  2. Select ‘Edit’, ‘Page properties’.
  3. Go to the ‘Standard’ tab and scroll down to the section ‘Page Visibility’
    To hide a page as an internal link click the tick box ‘Hide page as internal link’
  4. To show the children of a page as internal links click the tick box ‘Show children of this page as internal links’
  5. To save the changes click ‘Save’ then ‘Publish’

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