Reference library

Article number: 301098

Create a new page

Sitekit CMS uses both editorial and module pages for content. When you first create a page it will be an editorial page called 'new page' and will be hidden from the sites navigation.

  1. On the Navigation tree select the page/navigation branch under which you want your new page to appear.
  2. Right click and select New, Editorial Page . An editorial page called 'new page' will appear in the tree.
  3. Right click the 'new page' and select Rename, type the page name and click Enter on your keyboard. Note the page name will also be used for the Page Title and Web Page Name, to change these you must go to the Page Properties.
  4. To change the editorial page to a module page go to Page properties.
  5. In the Content Layout section select the relevant module from the Content Type dropdown. Note the module will first have to be set up in the Manage or Configure tabs.


Copy and Paste Pages

Creating a copy of a page is a quick way to create a new page with most of the page properties correctly set.

  1. Find a page on the Navigation Tree that you want to copy and right click it.
    Click Copy Page.
  2. Right click the page on the tree that will be the parent of the new page.
    Click Paste.
  3. The new page appears on the tree below the parent page with the label 'copy of page name'
  4. Note that you cannot 'paste' a page as a child of the page you have copied.
    If you want to make the new page a child of the copied page, first paste it as the child of a different parent and then drag and drop the new page onto the correct parent page

View a live page

You can view your website or page you are working on direct from the Administration system.

  1. To view the website homepage:  click on the website address in the top right corner of Sitekit CMS Administration.
  2. To view a page direct from the navigation tree: right click the page you want to view and select ‘View live ’
  3. To view a page you are working on: click the world icon in the content editor window
  4. If you are working on a page and do not see the changes you have made on the live page refresh the page by holding the Ctrl button on your key board and press F5.

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