Reference library

Article number: 301061

XML Source pages

XML Source pages are used to display imported content from external sources (e.g. RSS news feeds) using a combination of XML (for the imported data) and XSL (for styling the imported data). The XML page also supports eXSLT (added in 10.5)

XML Source pages are created by selecting the 'XML Source' content layout in standard page properties.

XML Source pages are configured via the Content tab in the Editor window.

  1. Open in the Content tab of the Editor window the XML Source page that you want to configure.
  2. If you want to access the source XML document via a URL select the XML URL radio button and type (or copy/paste) the URL into the box.
    If you want to enter the XML code directly into the box, select the XML Text radio button and type (or copy/paste) the code into the box.
  3. If you want to access the source XSL (or eXSL) for the document via a URL select the XSL URL radio button and type (or copy/paste) the URL into the box.
    If you want to enter the XSL (or eXSL) code directly into the box, select the XSL Text radio button and type (or copy/paste) the code into the box.
  4. Associated page content - you can display downloadable files, internal links, and external links on an XML source page. Refer to the Page Content section of Sitekit CMS Help.
  5. Click Save to save your work or Publish to make it live.

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