Reference library

Article number: 301049

Create a guestbook page

A guestbook page displays all of the comments that are stored in a guestbook module.

A guestbook module must exist before a guestbook page can be created.

Guestbook modules are created and configured via the Configure tab.

To create a new guestbook page:

  1. In Navigation View right click the page that you want to be the parent of your new guestbook page and select New > Editorial page.
    The new page appears on the navigation tree.
  2. Right click the new page and select Rename.
    Type the navigation label that you want to give the new guestbook page and hit Enter on your keyboard.
  3. Right click the new page and select Edit > Page properties.
    The page editor window opens with the Properties tab pre-selected.
  4. Type a page title,  web page name, and page summary in the appropriate boxes.
  5. Select from the Function/Content Layout drop-down list select the template that includes the correct guestbook module. The template will be shown as Guestbook: module name on the list.
  6. Click Save.
    The properties are saved and the window switches to the Content tab..
  7. If you want to display any downloadable files, internal or external links on the FAQ page use the buttons in the Associated Page Content.
  8. Click Save to save your work and Publish to make it live.

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