Reference library

Article number: 301072

Edit an event's details

Sitekit's Directory module has been deprecated as of autumn 2015 it will no longer appear or be supported in any new sites. It has been replaced by the new post system which is far more flexible.

(Note: events in the Directory are completely unrelated to events and events modules that are created and controlled in the Edit and Configure tabs). 

To edit an event in the directory:

  1. In the Directory area of the Manage tab, click Events.
  2. In the Edit Event section, set the Event End Date after to the day before your event finishes and click Get List.
    A list of events is displayed that finish after the specified date.
  3. Find on the list the event that you want to edit  and click Edit.
  4. Event Title - type the title of the event into the box.
  5. Venue - select from the drop-down list the venue for the event.
    If the venue doesn't appear on the list you will have to go to the Venues section of the directory to add the venue.
  6. Self Edit Data Owner - it is possible for an event to be added to the directory by an 'owner' of an event via a form on a website, in which case it is also possible that the owner can edit the details of the event via the same website, without having to use the Sitekit CMS administration system. If this event has such an 'owner' select the name from the drop-down list.
  7. Start Date - select from the drop-down lists the start date for the event.
  8. End Date - select from the drop-down lists the end date for the event.
  9. Start Time - type the time at which the event begins.
  10. End Time - type the time at which the event finishes.
  11. Cost - type the price(s) for attending the event.
  12. Days Open - if your event spans a few days tick all the boxes on which it is open. If it is only a one day event do not tick any of these boxes.
  13. Frequency - if it's a recurring event that's held on the same days every week, fortnight, or month, select the appropriate button. For all other events leave the 'daily' button selected.
  14. Description - type a description of the event.
  15. Categories/Types of Event - if your bespoke configuration of Sitekit CMS included categorisation of events, select on the list the categories to which this event belongs. Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple categories.
  16. Associated Organisations and Individuals - select on the list of participants those who are associated with the event. Only participants who are already in the directory will appear on this list.
  17. Parent Event(s) (e.g. festival) - if this event is part of a larger event select on the list the name of the parent event. Only events that are already in the directory will appear on this list.
  18. Contact - type the name of the contact person for the event.
  19. Contact Job Title - type the contact person's job title.
  20. Telephone, Fax, Email fields - type the contact details for the contact person in the appropriate boxes.
  21. Web Address (url) - if the event has a website type (or copy/paste) the address into this box.
  22. Ticketing URL - if the event can be booked via an online system type (or copy/paste) the address into this box.
  23. Notes - type any notes relating to the event into this box.
  24. Enter new picture - if you want to add images to the page that shows the event's details use these buttons to open the Image Picker window. Select the image that you want to display and click Use this picture.
  25. Select media files - if you want to provide access to downloadable files clcik this button and choose the files from the tree. Click Use these files.
  26. Select internal links - if you want to link from the page showing the event to other pages on your website click this button and select the pages to link to from the tree. Click Use these links.
  27. Is this a long term event - tick this box if the event runs over several days, weeks, or months. This will prevent the events calendar from displaying the event on every single day. Long term events are displayed in a list below the calendar.
  28. Is this a class - tick this box if the event is a class. This will allow users to find it when searching.
  29. Children's Event - tick this box if the event is for children. This will allow users to find it when searching.
  30. Family Friendly - tick this box if the event is family friendly. This will allow users to find it when searching.
  31. Approved - to display this event on your website you must tick this box. If you leave this box blank the event will remain in the directory but will not be displayed on your website.
  32. Click Update.

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