Reference library

Article number: 303184

Manage forum posts

A forum is made up of multiple discussion or threads. User can add posts to each thread that they have access to. The section describes how to administer a thread's posts. How to administer the forum is here

The posts table lists the posts on the selected thread. The page displays the thread title, and the original thread post at the top, there's also a navigable breadcrumb trail to allow you to navigate back up a level to administer the forum. The table can be searched and filtered and its page length changed. It displays the post date (when), the poster (by), the post text (body) the number of replies (added in 10.3) and some post actions. The posts are presented in the same order as the front end page. The actions possible on each post are as follows:

  • Approve - if the forum is moderated this approves it 
  • Manage - if a post already has replies, clicking on Manage allows you to see those replies, edit them and add new ones (10.3). This is the lowest level in forums as defined here.
  • Edit - this allows you to edit the post text, title, date, approved status, associated files etc, basically all the fields associated with the thread
  • Pin/unpin - posts are ordered by their most recent related post. If pin is set this is ignored and the post is always at the top of the list, once set the option changes to unpin
  • Delete - this deletes the post 
In a moderated forum if a post is unapproved it displays in red. You should click on edit and set its status to approved, or click on the approve option in the table.

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