Reference library

Article number: 301124

Redirecting Pages

Setting up a "Redirect" in the Navigation Tree

Although called a "redirect", this option is actually used to create a Custom Link to another asset - examples might include a .pdf, a document, or a page on another website - which wouldn't otherwise appear in your site navigation. This enables you to tailor a neat navigation list of related items for your visitors, regardless of the actual structure of your site.

Setting up a 301/302 Redirect is performed in the Asset Tree, rather than the Navigation Tree.

To create a Custom Link, follow these steps.

1.  In the Navigation Tree, select the page under which you wish to create your Custom Link. Select New, followed by Custom Link (Redirect)..


2. A new redirect asset is created and added to the tree under the page. It has the default name of New-Redirect, although you should replace this with a more meaningful name. In the example below we have created a new Redirect between two pages called Change Visibility and Change Page Position. We could use this Redirect - as an example - to point to a .pdf file describing Page Visibility in excruciating detail. A site visitor will see this useful link in their Navigation, just as if it were part of the physical structure of the website.

 4. You now have to specify a location or asset where this custom link points to. Double click on the Redirect (or right-click on the Redirect and select Edit) to open the Redirect Editor, as shown below.


The following properties need to be defined. 

  • Redirect Asset Name: The redirect has to have a name, which defaults to whatever name you typed in.
  • Redirect to: Choose either Internal Asset or External URL.
  • Asset to Redirect to: If you selected Internal Asset, then an Asset Picker noew opens, so that you can locate and select the target page. If you selected External URL then you need to type in the full URL of the target page.
  • Redirect Type: Select 301 for a permanent redirect, or 302 for a temporary redirect.
  • Redirect Target: If you want visitors to stay in the same browser window when they open the link, leave this field blank. But you can force a new window to open by typing in  '-blank'

The Custom Link is now set up, and will appear in your site navigation in the position that you've placed it in the Navigation Tree. Note that while the asset properties of such a redirect page allows you to set the effective period of a redirection these dates and times are ignored (for redirections) and the redirection is in place as long as the page exists. 

 Setting up a Redirect in the Asset Tree

Occasionally you may need to redirect one of your website pages elsewhere - either to another page on your site, or to a page on some other website. For example, you may have moved or renamed a popular page, and you want links from search engines and other sites to point to the new location/asset.

The process is described below

1. In the Asset Tree, right click on the Asset you wish to redirect. This opens an Action List, from which you should select Redirect, as shown below.

 2. The original Asset is now renamed and a new Redirect Asset is created and given the original name. So if you had an Asset called Latest-Offer.htm and you selected it and clicked Redirect, you would now have two assets. The original asset would now be renamed to Latest-Offer-original.htm, and the new Redirect Asset would be called Latest-Offer.htm

3. You now have to specify a location where this asset redirects to. Double click on the Redirect (or right-click on the Redirect and select Edit) to open the Redirect Editor, as shown below.


The following properties need to be defined.

  • Redirect Asset Name: Leave this as the default value, which is the name of the originating asset.
  • Redirect to: Choose either Internal Asset or External URL.
  • Asset to Redirect to: If you selected Internal Asset, then an Asset Picker noew opens, so that you can locate and select the target page. If you selected External URL then you need to type in the full URL of the target.
  • Redirect Type: Select 301 for a permanent redirect, or 302 for a temporary redirect.
  • Click Publish to save the redirect.

The Redirect is now set up. Note that while the asset properties of such a redirect page allows you to set the effective period of a redirection these dates and times are ignored (for redirections) and the redirection is in place as long as the page exists. 


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