
Article number: 301379

Advanced Proxy Configuration

This article explains how to send all requests from a Sitekit server to a proxy server.

If necessary on a local network the proxy can be bypassed to allow the server to communicate with other local machines without going via the proxy server.

To do this set the following key to true:
<add key="proxyBypassProxyOnLocal" value="true"/>

Enter a list of local machines names or ip addresses into the next key in a comma separated list:

<add key="proxyBypassList" value="localhost,,intranet"/>

They will only take effect if proxyEnabled = true

These are part of the main Proxy switches:
<!-- Proxy Settings -->
<add key="proxyEnabled" value="false"/>
<add key="proxyURI" value="" />
<add key="proxyUsername" value="proxyuser"/>
<add key="proxyPassword" value="proxypass"/>
<add key="proxyDomain" value="gael"/>
<add key="proxyBypassProxyOnLocal" value="true"/>
<!-- proxyBypassList is a comma separated string of local ip's or hostnames
<add key="proxyBypassList" value="localhost,,intranet"/>
<add key="proxyBypassList" value=""/>

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