Reference library

Events Modules

To add  Events in Sitekit you must first create an Event Module. The Event Module defines how events will be displayed in a Calendar format. 

Events can now be converted into posts to give greater flexibility of display. Events may be deprecated in the future

You can define several Event Modules, each with its own style, tailored to suit specific groups of events. 

Create an Event Module

  1. Click Events on the Modules area of the Configure Tab.
  2. Type in the name of the new Module.
  3. Select the Module Diplay type - List, Square, or Column.
  4. Click Add.

Once you have Added the Module you need to configure it.

Configure an Event Module 

  1. Select the new module and click Edit.
  2. Name - type in the box the name of the events module. (This field will default to the value you typed in when you Added the new module).
  3. RSS address - this is automatically generated.
  4. Display - Here you can select the Display Mode, choosing List, Square Calendar  or Column Calendar. (This field will default to the value you typed in when you Added the new module).
  5. Show 'Toggle Display' button - if you want provide the user with the ability to change from displaying events as a calendar or list, then tick this box. If you leave it unticked, the events will be displayed as a calendar.
  6. Show 'Filtering' drop-down - if you want to provide the user with the option to filter the events by date, then tick this box.
  7. Show image pop-up - tick this box to make the image that is associated with an event clickable. When the image in the event lising is clicked, a full-size version of the image is displayed in a pop-up window.
  8. Allow viewing of months in past - if you want the user to be able to see events that occured in the past, tick this box.
  9. Specify the Asset Group to which this module belongs. (New in 9.3).

Define the style of the Event Module

Select the colours you wish to apply to each of the seven Calendar Elements.  You can select colours in one of three ways.

  1. Selecting from  the Web Palette. You can either pick a colour with you mouse, or type in the RGB colour value (eg #000000 for black).
  2. Specifying the HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) values.  You can do this with either a mouse click in the colour palette, or by typing in the RGB plus HSB values.
  3. Specifying the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) values. You can do tthis with either a mouse click in the colour palette, or by typing  in the RGB and HSV  values.
  4. Click the Apply button to save the chosen colour.
  5. When you have entered all the Properties and Style colours, click the Publish button to save your work.

Delete an Event Module

You cannot delete an events module if there is an events page that uses the module. To delete the module you must first delete the events page or change its content type.

  1. Click Events on the Modules area of the Configure tab.
  2. From the displayed list of Modules, choose the Module you want to remove, and click its Delete Action. 
  3. A Confirmation box now appears.Click OK to confirm the deletion. Note: The events module will be permanently deleted.



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