Reference library

Article number: 301140

Upload a new asset

You can add assets to your website using the Asset Uploader window. This can be accessed from both the Asset Explorer (Upload button) and Asset Tree (right click on a folder and select the Upload action).

Note: The Asset Picker in earlier version of Sitekit CMS could only select one file at a time for uploading. As of Sitekit CMS version, the Asset Picker can select multiple files. With supporting browsers, it also allow you to drag and drop files into the select screen.

  • Select the target folder you want to upload an asset to, then right-click and select the Upload option.
  • If you want to replace assets in the folder with new ones of the same name, tick Overwrite existing assets.
  • Click the Select button. A Choose File window is displayed showing the files and folders that are stored on your computer.
  • Find the file(s) that you want to upload, and select them (use Shift-Click and Ctrl-Click to select multiple files).  When you have highlighted all the files you wish to select, click Open.
    The Choose File window closes and the selected files are displayed in the box in the Asset Uploader window, as shown below.

  • Check the files you have selected. If any selections are incorrect, you can deselect them by clicking the X alongside the file name.
  • When you are satisfied you have selected the correct files, click the Upload Files button. A message at the top of the window will tell you when the assets have been successfully uploaded into the folder.
  • Close the Asset Uploader window.

If you cannot see the new asset in Asset Explorer right click the screen and select Refresh. The screen will reload and the new asset will be displayed in the folder.

If you cannot see the new asset on the asset tree click the Refresh Tree icon next to the Asset View button. The tree will reload and display the new assets.

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